I don't believe I know, Carl Jung
Well that's interesting.
After feeling lax because I hadn't been reading my Simple Abundance book I came to read it tonight, and above was tonight's quote.
Things I know.
I know I am blessed to have amazing friends. One of whom (Andrea) I have spent the last several days with. I've had a blast! From getting some gym workouts in, to creating new things, to razzing each other about the Olympics, she's truly a friend I am blessed to have. That's us above eating our Canada VS US cake.
I know I am very proud of Canada and all it's done through and for the Olympics. I am stoked about tomorrow hockey game and hope we kick some US butts! BUT if we do not at least we get silver!
I know I am thank full the Tsunami did less damage than expected today. I am thank full all is well at home.
All in all a lot of what I know is good things! And that I am thank full for too.