Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home is

There never has been a house so bad that it couldn't be made over into something worthwhile Elise Wolfe

Boy it sure is nice to be home! I had such a great time at bead and button, and for one of the first times ever I had a entire hotel room to myself! It was different at first but once I settled in it was nice to have some quiet downtime at the end of each day. I don't think I realized how dependent I've become on alone time. I needed a chance to gather my thoughts and myself at the end of each busy day. All in all I remained fairly energized through out the 10 days and I think a lot of that had to do with having my own space.

It was nice to get home though, sleep in my own bed, listen to the cat purring, the horses and yes even my husbands snoring can provide a homey sense of comfort!

I'm taking a few days off to re group and energize, today I hope to un pack all my goodies and settle the studio back to some semblance of order.


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