Friday, July 30, 2010

The sun will come out

Today made me realize the sun or sunflowers as the case may be, do eventually come out.

I had planned to spend the day in the studio, but my car broke down and it threw me for a loop. The fuel pump packed it in, and after starting a fire IN the car with the new fuel pump, something about priming the pump? went wrong. My day was shot. Husband was late for the ferry, which meant he missed the ferry and will likely be in Abbotsford too late to compete, too much upheaval for me!

So I wandered out to the studio, or as it's quickly being named "the garden oasis". Maybe I need a sign for above the door?! I planned to finish the spinner rings I've been working on, and grumbling about for the last three days. Well, you guessed it the copper did not go well. One more ring split, so remind me when I foray back into copper soldering how much I hated it.

I got a few spinners finished, pleased with the ones with stone additions. I am going to save them to put into the School House Gallery this weekend. More on that tomorrow.

I wandered about to check the plants and the sunflowers are out, four of them! A hummingbird buzzed by reminding me to fill the feeder. A zucchini is finally growing on my late plants. My bergamot is blooming, which is heaven! I may do a whole bed in bergamot, but need t check how much is spreads first. All this reminded me that the sun, or sunflowers, always comes out.


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