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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Mountain Lake
Monday, September 26, 2011
What new thing would you learn if you had the time and the money?
I’d learn larger functional metal working. I’ve been itching to try some larger pieces, maybe some forging. I watched some of the bowl forming at the MISSA class during the summer and I really yearn to try it. I’m hoping to take the class in 2012!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Featured Artist - Julie Van Ember
How long have you been working in your medium?
I've been lampworking since 2004.
What drew you to this medium?
As with many other hot glass artists, I started out in stained glass. After several years of that, I took a beginner class at the torch.
What's your favorite piece?
Can't really say that I have one at the moment, usually it is my most current work.
What's the hardest piece you've ever made?
I think off mandrel sculptures and marbles are my most challenging pieces.
What’s the one favorite tool you cannot live without?
My brass stump shaper.
What’s your favorite thing about your workspace or studio?
What I really enjoy about my lampworking workspace, is the fact that it takes up so little space. Although a whole room or small building could be turned into a studio, my stainless steel table is really all the space I need. Having said that, my future plans once I move, is a full room with at least 3 torches set up so I can have friends over to play.
What is your other craft?
I still dabble in stained glass and stained glass mosaics. Lately, I've taken up knitting toques as a pass time during the long winter evenings. Crocheting with wire crochet while incorporating beads is another art form that I thoroughly enjoy.
Who or what inspires you? ( include links if you have them)
I've taken classes with well over a dozen renouned lampworkers, so I can't pick just one person that inspires me. But living on the bank of a river, the astounding excitement and beauty of the great outdoors is never far from my mind
What's your favorite inspirational saying?
Although I wouldn't necessarily call this inspirational, I pretty much go with 'go big or go home' for much of my work. I enjoy having a large canvass to decorate plus building beads/marbles from the inside out which in turn creates a large mass of glass.
What's one thing you've never done you always wanted to do?
Go to Australia. Even though my heart belongs in Italy (for the love of glass), Australia is on my list of things to do.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Drag racing
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A challenge
I’ve been struggling this year with one thing consistently, finishing the metal studio. I got the walls filled, sanded and painted with great gusto. Found a work bench and some cabinets. Set up my soldering bench and some cork boards.
And, then, there it is. I’ve been working in it but haven’t managed to get the rest done.
I have plumbing to connect. The sink and pipes are there and ready but the plumber needs to come do the connections, and he really doesn’t seem t understand how badly I want to get this finished! Once the sink is in I can get the cabinets hung and get the machining bench set up. This is something I’ve been dying to do! I want all my heavy tools bolted to a bench, and they’ll stay there! Ready to use when I need them. I’ve also got three more inspiration boards I’d like to hang and a couple pieces of art that need to go up on the walls.
I wonder why this seems to be taking me so long?
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Craft Project
Thursday, September 8, 2011
My week vacation
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Family and Friends
Being an artist isn’t easy. I often hear “You are so lucky to be an artist”. Or “How nice to be able to dabble in this”.
I am lucky, but luck didn’t get me here. The support of many family and friends helped me keep moving forward even when I wondered “Can I do this?”. I’d like to think talent comes into it too! Without the support of my husband I’m not have the wonderful studio space I work in. Without the support of friends I’d have nothing. Really in a crunch it’s our friends who keep us going. Who we sound ideas off, who tell us the truth when we ask opinions. Who support us when we fail. Friends can make or break you, mine make me!
I’d also like to think I don’t dabble. I’m a “GO FOR IT!” kinda girl. I dive in with both feet, sink or swim. I figure why do things ½ way?
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