Monday, October 29, 2007

Who Do You Admire?

This weeks blog topic on Flaming Hot is "who do you admire"? I admire a lot of people! I've taken a lot of glass classes with amazing instructors. Jen Geldard is a talented bead maker and one of the most precious people I have met in a long time, her spirit really is amazing. Kimberly Affleck one of the best instructors hands down, a very inspiring class and she shares any and all of her skills freely! Andrea Guarino another amazing person, with loads of talent and a eye for amazing art. Sherry Bellamy is always pushing the limits of what you can DO with a bead!

My current show "mate" Janine Shea who really manages to make all our trips and shows a blast! I am always astonished she can put up with me!

My past show "mate" Nicole Le Claire Brown the MOST environmentally conscious person I know. She's who got me inspired to start recycling, and I am looking into solar panels!

Equine instructors I admire, again I've had the pleasure of riding with many! Ray Hunt made me appreciate slowing down and enjoying the process. Monty Roberts made me appreciate who I am and where I've gotten in life. Pat Parelli is one of the best speakers I've ever heard, he is so easy to understand. My on going instructor is Jane Stone, she's got a knack for knowing just how far to push me without making things frustrating!

I have to say my husband inspires me daily. He gets banged up monthly if not weekly at rodeo's and dusts himself off and gets right back to it. He's got a bit notorious for talking to total strangers about "my wife makes beads out of GLASS!"

I am blessed by the people I have had the pleasure to cross paths with in my life.


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